今回のMiddle earth 4Kの旅は Mirkwood の森にあるエルフの拠点 Felegoth(Elvenking’s Halls)を目指します。
そこでいよいよ King Thranduil に謁見します。
鬱蒼と木が生い茂る深い森の先にある Felegoth。
それでは今回のMiddle earth 4Kの旅をお楽しみください!
{{The following is the English Translation.}}
In this Middle-earth 4K journey, we’re heading to Felegoth (Elvenking’s Halls), an Elven stronghold located in the Mirkwood forest.
There, we’ll finally have an audience with King Thranduil.
Felegoth is mostly underground, adorned with stalactites and stalagmites. The contrast between the dark forest and the beautiful Elven caverns is both intriguing and impressive.
Enjoy your Middle-earth 4K adventure!

















