今回のMiddle earth 4Kの旅は大河アンドゥインを更に下り、二人の王の巨像が聳えるアルゴナスを目指します。
その後アンドゥインは大きな湖である Nen Hithoel湖に入ります。
それでは今回のMiddle earth 4Kの旅をお楽しみください!
{{The following is the English Translation.}}
This time, our Middle-earth 4K journey takes us further down the Great River Anduin towards the Argonath, the towering statues of the two kings. The impact of the Argonath, as seen in the movies, is striking. After that, the Anduin flows into the large lake known as Nen Hithoel. Enjoy this Middle-earth 4K journey!