今回のMiddle earth 4Kの旅はRivendell, Misty Mountains, Vales of Anduin, Beorning Landsを巡る長旅になります。
Eriador から Misty Mountains を越えて Rhovanion の地へと大きなエリアを股にかけて旅をします。
出発の地である Rivendell の紅葉が美しい景色から、雪景色に一変する Misty Mountains を東へと抜けます。
それからミドルアースの大動脈である大河 Anduin の壮大な景色を眺めつつ、緑美しい草原と花が広がる Beorning Lands の地への変化にとんだ旅となります。
それでは今回のMiddle earth 4Kの旅をお楽しみください!
{{The following is the English Translation.}}
This time, our journey in Middle Earth 4K will be a long one, visiting Rivendell, the Misty Mountains, the Vales of Anduin, and the Beorning Lands.
We will travel from Eriador, cross the Misty Mountains, and venture into the lands of Rhovanion, covering a large area.
We start from the beautiful autumn scenery of Rivendell, then head east through the Misty Mountains, which transform into a snowy landscape.
From there, we will enjoy the grand view of the great river Anduin, the main artery of Middle Earth, and experience the change to the Beorning Lands, where beautiful green meadows and flowers spread out.
This journey will give you a feel for the various aspects of Middle Earth.
Please enjoy this journey in Middle Earth 4K!















