今回のMiddle-earth 4K の旅はShireから北西方向へと旅立ちYondershireを抜けてEred Luinへと向かいます。
LOTROサービス開始後、長らくShireとEred Luin の間は物理的に隔たれていましたが、2022年春のUpdate33にてサービス開始から15年の時を経て、Yondershire地域の実装によりワープなしで歩いて旅が出来るようになりました。
Ered Luinが近づくにつれ、建物などが徐々にエルフの文化圏が近づいていることを感じさせます。
それでは今回のMiddle-earth 4Kの旅をお楽しみください!
{{The following is the English Translation.}}
“Our Middle-earth 4K journey this time takes us northwest from the Shire, through Yondershire, and into the majestic Ered Luin. For many years since LOTRO’s launch, the Shire and Ered Luin were physically separated, but with the introduction of Yondershire in Update 33 of Spring 2022, we can now embark on a continuous, uninterrupted journey on foot—a first in the game’s 15-year history.
As we approach Ered Luin, the architectural styles and overall ambience gradually shift, giving us a tangible sense of entering Elven territory. It’s fascinating to compare and contrast the cultural influences and landscapes between the Hobbiton and Elven regions.
Enjoy this immersive 4K exploration of Middle-earth!”







