今回のMiddle earth 4K の旅はエリアドールの北に位置するツンドラ地帯フォロヘル地方です。
Ice Bay という大きな湾を取り囲むように位置するフォロヘルは中つ国第三紀1974年、アングマールの急襲から逃れたアルベドゥイ王が滞在した場所として知られています。
{{The following is the English Translation.}}
This time, our Middle-earth 4K journey takes us to Forochel, a tundra region located north of Eriador. Forochel, surrounding the large bay known as Ice Bay, is known as the place where King Arvedui sought refuge after the sudden attack from Angmar in T.A. 1974. To the west of Fornost lies the great Blue Mountains, acting as a significant barrier between the western regions. Enjoy the northern landscapes of Middle-earth!