今回のMiddle-earth 4K の旅は定点観測的に周囲を観察してみます。
名も知らぬ山の頂から眺めるCordolan, Bree-land, Lone-lands, の眺めはそれぞれの方面に特色のある見所があると思います。
北には Weathertop, 東には The Last Bridge, 南には Cordolan の開けた眺め、西には Bree-land や The Midgewater Marshes の様な沼地帯などが広がっています。
それでは美しいBGMと併せて今回の Middle-earth 4K の旅をお楽しみください!
{{The following is the English Translation.}}
On this Middle-earth 4K journey, we will observe the surroundings from a fixed point.
From an unnamed mountain peak, you can enjoy views of Cordolan, Bree-land, and the Lone-lands, each offering its own unique sights.
To the north, you’ll see Weathertop; to the east, The Last Bridge; to the south, the open vistas of Cordolan; and to the west, the marshlands of Bree-land and The Midgewater Marshes.
Enjoy this Middle-earth 4K journey accompanied by beautiful background music!