今回のMiddle earth 4Kの旅はCape of Belfalasの地を訪れます。
Dol Amrothの南方に位置するこの場所はLOTRO(ロードオブザリングスオンライン)の中ではプレイヤーの住居エリアの一つとして選ばれています。
後半では南の半島を反時計回りに進み、Central Gondorを東に望める場所まで進みます。
それでは今回のMiddle earth 4Kの旅をお楽しみください!
{{The following is the English Translation.}}
This time, our Middle-earth 4K journey takes us to the Cape of Belfalas.
Located south of Dol Amroth, this area is chosen as one of the player housing areas in LOTRO (The Lord of the Rings Online).
The region, jutting out like a peninsula to the south, offers an impressive contrast between the sea and the mountains.
In the latter part of our journey, we will travel counterclockwise along the southern peninsula, reaching a point where we can look east towards Central Gondor.
It might be a nice place to visit if you’re looking for a change of scenery.
The beautiful views of the blue sky and the sea will surely be soothing to the soul.
Enjoy this Middle-earth 4K journey!













