今回の Middle-earth 4K の旅は、舞台を第三紀2799年のAzanulbizar(The Dimrill Dale)という本編の約200年程前の時代にタイムスリップして出発します!
それでは今回の Middle-earth 4K の旅をお楽しみください!
{{The following is the English Translation.}}
This time, our Middle-earth 4K journey takes us back in time to the year 2799 of the Third Age, in Azanulbizar (The Dimrill Dale), which is about 200 years before the main story. In this era and location, there is a fierce battle taking place between the Dwarves and the Orcs. It might be interesting to experience the differences in atmosphere compared to the main storyline while exploring the snowy scenery.
Highlights include the state of the eastern entrance of Moria at that time and the open views from the mid-slopes of the mountains beyond. Enjoy this Middle-earth 4K journey!