今回のMiddle earth 4Kの旅は大河アンドゥイン(The Great River)を下流に向かうべく出発します。
出発の場所はロスロリエン北東部、アンドゥイン西岸からスタートし Parth Celebrant まで進みます。
それでは今回のMiddle earth 4Kの旅をお楽しみください!
{{The following is the English Translation.}}
This time, our Middle-earth 4K journey takes us downstream along the Great River Anduin. We start from the northeastern part of Lothlórien, on the western bank of the Anduin, and head towards Parth Celebrant. The highlight of this journey is the variety of landscapes shown by the Great River Anduin as it flows through the vast expanse of Middle-earth. Enjoy this Middle-earth 4K journey!



